
Comisia Europeană și SUA au scos mai multe bănci rusești din SWIFT

Von der Leyen a făcut declarațiile în condițiișe în care orașul Kiev era sub asaltul  trupelor ruse.

”Vedem cum armata rusă comite crime barbare la câteva zeci de km de granița UE, bombardează și ucide populația civilă. Lumea vede de asemenea rezistența eroică a Ucrainei”, a mai spus von der Leyen.

Șefa Comisiei nu a specificat câte bănci vor fi excluse din sistemul SWIFT, dar a spus că acest lucru va împiedica băncile să facă operațiuni în străinătate și vor bloca exporturile și importurile ruse.

Von der Leyen a anunțat că a discutat cu toți liderii occidentali – Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Mario Draghi și Olaf Scholz, și au decis ”să impunem costuri masive Rusiei”. Din declarațiile sale, rezultă că țările care au fost de acord cu excluderea Rusiei din sistenul SWIFT sunt Franța, Germania, Italia, Canada, Marea Britanie, SUA, pe lângă Comisia Europeană în ansamblu.

SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), este o reţea globală securizată de transmitere a mesajelor, folosită de bănci pentru a face trasferuri dincolo de graniţe. Reţeaua facilitează circulaţia banilor între organizaţiile financiare, sprijinind schimburile comerciale. Sistemul este folosit de peste 11.000 de instituţii financiare, în peste 200 de state.

Iată comunicatul Comisiei Europene, emis acum câteva minute, integral, în limba engleză:

Statement by President von der Leyen on further measures to react to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Brussels, 26 February 2022.

Only a few dozen kilometres from the EU’s eastern border, the Russian army is committing barbaric actions during its invasion of Ukraine. It is bombing and launching missile strikes, killing innocent people.

At the same time, the entire world is witnessing the determined and brave resistance by the Ukrainian army and population.

As Russian forces unleash their assault on Kiev and other Ukrainian cities, we are resolved to continue imposing costs on Russia that will further isolate Russia from the international financial system and our economies.

In coordination with President Biden, President Macron, Bundeskanzler Scholz, Prime Minister Draghi, Prime Minister Trudeau, and Prime Minister Johnson, we considered a significant tightening of our international response.

The European Union and its partners are working to cripple Putin’s ability to finance his war machine.

I will now propose to EU leaders the following measures:

First, we commit to ensuring that a certain number of Russian banks are removed from SWIFT. This will ensure that these banks are disconnected from the international financial system and harm their ability to operate globally.

SWIFT is the world’s dominant global interbank payment system. Cutting banks off will stop them from conducting most of their financial transactions worldwide and effectively block Russian exports and imports.

Second, we will stop Putin from using his war chest. We will paralyse the assets of Russia’s central bank. This will freeze its transactions. And it will make it impossible for the Central Bank to liquidate its assets.

And finally, we will work to prohibit Russian oligarchs from using their financial assets on our markets.

All of these measures will significantly harm Putin’s ability to finance his war. They will have an eroding impact on the economy. Putin embarked on a path aiming to destroy Ukraine, but what he is also doing, in fact, is destroying the future of his own country

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